Friday, September 4, 2009

A feature where I spout off on whatever intrigues me called Andrew's Rants.

This excerpt is titled,

Here we are in the worst economic situation the United States has been in since the Great Depression of the early 1930s. I wrote earlier about this almost a year
ago and made some predictions. I don’t want to toot my own horn but Nyaaaa Nyaaaa Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa! Seriously this is getting ridiculous. The earlier estimate
was based on the current figures at the time but now those have gone up. If all the funds given to the financial sector and different retail industries were
divided up amongst the tax paying populace the return would stand at almost $150,000 per person. If the 'Holey One' (Obama) gets his way and the new stimulus
package passes it will up the ante and raise that figure to almost $220,000 per taxpayer. I ask you again what would stimulate the economy more. Using the money
to support these 'crack-headed' mismanaged banks who are not lending the money as they were supposed to, or letting us spend it to pay our bills and purchase
consumer goods, and reinvest into the economy by way of jobs, and savings. These financial institutions are using the money in mysterious ways and the
Government will not report how it is being used. It’s all 'hush hush'. I honestly think that a lot of it is being kicked back into the campaign funds of the very
politicians who voted the money be spent in the first place. The “Holey One” has promised us change while populating his cabinet positions with lifetime politicians
from inside the beltway on both sides of the aisle. If you’re expecting a change there, keep on expecting. Buddy we are getting screwed and there is no doubt
about it. We do need a change and its called fire all the politicians and get a new bunch in there who are not rich-lawyer-fat-cats who owe so many favors to the
special interest organizations. How do we do that? I don’t know!!!!!!!

But I digress. Back on track here. The economy which is a capitalist based system is being propped up by the government using my tax dollars, and I get nothing
in return but higher prices and inferior products. The whole system of Wall Street and the auto industry was never supposed to be backed by the good faith of the
US Government Department of the Treasury. Why then are we doing it? Where does it stop? If Wal-Mart has a bad sales quarter do we bail them out to? Do we
scale it down and support the corner market because they are doing badly because of poor management. Will they cover my power bill if I don’t have enough to pay
it or just don’t feel like it?

Capitalism has a corrective measure built in already. Its called FAILURE. If you don’t make it you go under and it’s no ones responsibility to correct your bad
management and poor decisions other than yourself. Let these 'snapper heads' go under and someone else will come along and pick up the pieces and fill the void
and more than likely do a much better job having learned from the mistakes of the previous example.

The expression 'Sink Or Swim' comes to mind. It’s apt and really does apply. Stop screwing my family, my friends and me.

Perhaps the RRS can apply for a few million in Government bailout funds to help with our expenses. What do you think?

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