Friday, September 4, 2009

A feature where I spout off on whatever intrigues me called Andrew's Rants.

This excerpt is titled,
The Religion of Green

Are you green enough? Do you make sacrifices on the alter of conservation. Do you feel better deep in your soul when you recycle? The movement of Green
is our modern God. Do you separate your waste and use natural products? If not, then you don’t care about our planet and our children, you’re a hate monger
who wants little babies to die choking on their own plastic diapers.

I just want to scream at all these sycophants that just because you bought into the marketing doesn’t make it so. They only follow along so that they can feel
like they are doing something constructive rather than exert themselves and actually do something that might take a little effort.

The fact is that every company out there is slapping that green ideology on their products so that DINK’s will buy their products. In most cases it takes
as much or more resources to produce the so-called green products as it does to make more traditional products. A prime example are the long life fluorescent
bulbs. To produce one of them takes 36 times as much energy and leaves a toxic burned out bulb when they expire. They are actually poisonous and contain
high levels of mercury and tungsten compared to a regular incandescent bulb. If you look into it, everything from so called natural soaps to hybrid cars all
produce more manufacturing waste in the long run than conventional products. But what the hell it makes us feel better.

What do hippies think runs those electric cars? Magic hamsters? No its electricity. The majority of which comes from coal in our country. They hate those
very same coal plants and the heavy metal high efficiency batteries in those very cars they tout as Green. What morons!

The terms in use also drive me mad. Things like Organic Cotton or natural spring water. All freaking cotton is organic and all spring water is natural.
What did they think? That regular water came from a spring flowing from plastic rocks or that regular cotton was made from 'Borg' plants.
Freaking hippies. It’s the new fashion to have the green label on a product regardless if it’s valid or not. Even when it is legitimate it doesn’t
necessarily mean what you think it does. Hell the cavemen lived a completely green lifestyle. Do you want to go back to that? DO YOU?? Scratching
at fleas and eating rotten food because you can't use pesticides or refrigeration. Green my ass!!!!!!!

Do I sound a little pissed off? Let me ask you what’s more natural than burning down a tree for warmth and crapping in a stream? Bambi doesn’t
use a septic system and have clean non-polluting nuclear power plants. I do, I evolved and I rule the planet. I developed opposable thumbs and if I
want to use the resources of this planet I will. The whole green movement is based on the assumption that we as humans are not a natural part
of the eco system and that anything we do has a negative impact on the planet. What a load of crap. Or I should say what a load of carbon.

And that’s another thing, the whole carbon footprint thing. They raise taxes to offset the carbon footprint. How does this work exactly? They use
the money to wave in the air and absorbed the carbon dioxide? No it’s just a created crisis by the 'hippy democrat hate mongers' to rationalize their
tax and spend agenda. They will try to make you feel bad about your carbon footprint and teach all the little brain dead numbskulls in the schools the
same guilt ridden pseudo science so that we will all willingly give up ever increasing revenues to them to help offset the damage we do by merely existing.

People we live in a carbon based world. By definition any organic compound must contain carbon. Volcanoes, ocean fumerals, rotting plant material,
and many other natural phenomena produce thousands of times the amount of carbon that we as humans do. What we add to the mix is just a drop
in the proverbial bucket. We vastly overate our contribution to the environmental change we observe around us. For more on that read my rant on
global warming. I wont even go into it here.

Unfortunately green is here for a while just like Radon gas was and that stupid El Nino crap. Until something more fashionable comes along we are
stuck with the feel good hippy greenie movement. Help combat the green movement by chopping down a tree, making a baseball bat,
and beating a hippy to a pulp with it.

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