Friday, September 4, 2009
A feature where I spout off on whatever intrigues me called Andrew's Rants.
This one is titled
Keeping in line with my medical tirade lets look at deadbeats. Now here you have Joe blow mid 30 something with 6 kids no job on welfare and has
the so-called bad back. He hasn’t put a single honest days work in his life and when he needs medical attention he fully expects the hospitals, doctors
and government to pay for the very best at no expense to him. For some reason there is a sense of entitlement in this society that needs to be squashed.
In reality it is my tax dollars that pay for Joe's lifestyle. His heat in his home his medication his food, his spending money are all supplied by the middle
and upper class by our taxes. Now a lot of people say well the rich can afford it they should be taxed more. Bull Shit. Where did that screw ball notion
come from. Let say you are in line at the market and you are charged twice the cost for a loaf of bread as the person in front of you based upon your
income bracket. I bet your point of view changes then. It shouldn’t matter how much you make the tax bracket should be the same for everyone with no
loopholes or exceptions. But that is another rant this is about the entitlements our brethren expect from us. The system sounds good and its there to assist
those who need help, but it seems that everyone needs help. My definition of deadbeat is that person who parks in the handicap spot with a legitimate handicap
tag and then gets out and sprints for the door to wall mart to get his oxycontion prescription for his drug habit filled. He can get a freaking job and get off the
government tit like the sucking human parasite he is. Those individuals I mentioned before with the so called bad back, which from my experience in my
mothers office is just about 50% of the population who are couch potatoes living for that welfare check and food stamps. My idea of someone who is entitled
is someone who worked all his life and when they get older and are suffering from some ailment that prevents them from continuing work. Or the old widow
lady who was a housewife whose husband always took care of her and is now living on a fixed income and needs assistance. I have several friends in our
group whose parents paid into the system all their life and were hard working upstanding citizens and are now suffering from various conditions that in
my opinion qualify them as disabled. Those are the people the system was designed for. NOT the deadbeats of the world. Sure its warm and fuzzy to
think that everyone would go without needing anything but this is reality people not Disney land. I pay 600 a month for health insurance for my family to
be covered by blue cross and blue shield insurance. I don’t expect someone else to do it for me. I work for that money. That’s why it burns me up that 43
percent of what I make is taxed away to give to various programs that I don’t approve of including the feeding, clothing and medicating of the
deadbeats in our country. And don’t even get me started on the illegal immigrants who receive full benefits and government unsecured loans to start
competitive businesses with legal Americans. The great-unwashed masses out there that expect me to support them have a right to my income
according to our government and the crooked legislators who make the laws. But what they will not get from me is caring or consideration. I have run out.
I made an obligation in my life by choice to provide for myself my wife and child. All else is in Gods hands and I tithe to the church more than
the suggested 10 percent. So when I see these scoundrels out getting narcotics at the pharmacy or cigarettes on my tax dollar living with 8 kids in a
trailer on food stamps I have no pity. Stop screwing and making more trash, get a job take a bath and contribute to society for gods sake and use
birth control. Get an education don’t drop out of school you crack smoking low lives. Get a clue and stop expecting me and all the other middle
class to support your lazy asses. I mean ooooohhhhhh the deadbeat’s gggrrrrrrrrrrrr welfare breeders aaarrrrrrrrrrrrr special interest group’s
spuuuuutttttter crack heads spitttt entitlements hiiiisssss AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Geeez now I gotta go shoot something
I am so pissed off and mad. Where the hell is my gun and that stray cat I saw earlier.
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