2500 children each day die of starvation each day according to the television commercial featuring the actor who used to play 'Trapper John MD'. He sits there in the squallier of the same type of village that Sally Struthers used to visit and tells you how your dollar can help prevent this tragedy. Where do I begin with this one? If we propagate this system they live in they just breed like flies and the problem gets bigger not less. We have been throwing money and missionaries at these situations for literally centuries and it has done no good. The British missionaries started trying to educate and help them as early as the late 1590s. Some people have lived their time and as a culture have stagnated and need to move aside for something new. Seriously does anyone remember the Etruscans, or the original Nordic settlers in Vineland or the Rapa Nu. What about those chaps that originally lived on Easter Island or the Peruvian culture that built Machupichu. Then there were the original Romans whose culture fell to the Gauls, or Lemuria-mu, the Vikings, Incas, Aztecs, Picts, and many, many more. All of their societies ceased to exist. They either adapted or died
out. Some were changed through breeding with other cultures, as was the case with the Vikings, while others were sublimated into a bigger conquering culture or in some instances they just plain DIED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Red Cross wasn’t there to keep their stagnant, non-productive, miserable lives and culture going. Our universe is an ever-changing one and if you can’t learn to adapt you will die. I speak from experience having been on missionary trips to some of these god-forsaken, mud-pit-fly- infested pestholes. These people have no desire to get ahead or improve their lot in life. They just expect the rest of the world to support them in their never-ending quest to laze around and make more babies. I have been to South Africa and Chili, Peru and even supposedly civilized countries like Czechoslovakia and everywhere the problem is the same. Human apathy. Even here in the USA it is a huge problem. You will either have the verve and will to get ahead in life and support yourself and make something of your miserable existence or you don’t. It can’t be taught or given to someone; you are just born with it.
Now let’s get back to the 5 hundred thousand per year children who starve with 'Trapper'. There are not 2500 kids a day in the Far and Middle East that die of starvation. According to World Health Organization there are not that many people dying of starvation worldwide each day let alone this little rat pit 'Trapper' is in. According to Matthew White in his book 'The Historical Atlas of the 20th Century' there were a total of 44 million people who died of starvation for the whole century. He has all the deaths for the whole century broken down into specifics such as war, murder, accidents, self-inflicted wounds and so on. According to him and the World Health Organization this comes out to be about 1205 deaths a day worldwide due to starvation. That’s worldwide. Robert Gilliam in his article 'Can we Find Peace in a World with Inequitable Distribution of Wealth Among Nations', points out that as the gross national product rises the death rate due to infant mortality and starvation drops proportionally. What’s this all mean? It means that the liberal agenda is to create a problem or a crisis and then propose a way for your money to fix it. By giving them your money you ensure that the system keeps going and receiving all of its government assistance. While Wacko, Liberal Enviro-nuts can set back and soak up the power and glory and feel good about doing something by using your money. What we should be concerned about is the poverty and hunger in our own country. When we have all of that solved then we can go sticking our noses into other countries and making up statistics about how bad off they are.
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