Monday, September 28, 2009

Andrew's Rants.


Give me a break. When I was a kid we called it the Jungle and it would eat you alive in a second. Now the Enviro-Nazzies have prettied it up and it's all friendly with that sure fire cure for cancer just hanging on the vine like the Garden of Eden and it's called "The Rain Forest". Bullshit, it’s still the wild dangerous Jungle with Tarzan and all the Bomongani. Also, they make it seem that the countries involved are just bull dozing the Jungle down for the hell of it for fun every afternoon. Let's just all have a big party and just burn it all down, we got nothing else to do but piss off the rest of the world. I’m afraid not. That is nowhere near what is happening. They are practicing land management and harvesting select trees and then replanting. Even those '3rd World Morons' know that if you just cut it all down it is gone. No, they go in and sometimes clear cut for construction but in 99 % of the cases it's selective cutting and replanted after they have moved on. The same is true in North America. Everyone screams about virgin timber. Let me tell you something, if this group doesn’t know a thing or two about trees by this time, considering the amount of time we have spent among them each year, then it’s a sad thing. Every tree dies. There are no ‘Ents’ in the woods, no eternal trees, and No Virgin Timber. Get it - 'No Virgin Timber'. It has all been burned down by natural causes at one point or another or stricken by blight bugs or diseases. Hell, even our precious Gorge with all its magnificent trees has
been clear-cut in entirety several times in the past 150 years, just go to the Ranger Station and ask to see the photos or look in any book documenting the Red River Area. Virgin timber? Baaahumbug! Trees are not eternal. They live 3 or 4 centuries in the best of cases more often much less. They die fall down and new ones grow in their place.

In fact, if you go to the US Department of Forestry and Agriculture you will find that there is more land under forestation at the present time than ever before in the last 1500 years in North America due to forest fire fighting practices and land management that promotes wetland and forest preservation. All the Enviro-Nazzies bitch that we are destroying the oxygen producing trees and that we will all suffocate in a hundred years, which is, once again, leftist, Marxist, lying, liberal bullshit. Remember, that the Earth's surface is covered 2/3 by salt water and all that supports the largest living ecosystem on the planet the root of which is algae. According to NOAA, the National Oceanic and Aeronautic Association, algae creates 97.8 percent of the Earths’ oxygen supply, not the freaking oak tree in your back yard. It’s the millions of square miles of photosynthetic algae blooms that number in the quin-trillions and form the base foundation for all of life as we know it here on Earth, that are responsible for keeping that precious 15 % oxygen content supplied to the mixture of gasses we breath. Do you want to know what the best thing you can do with a tree is? Chop it
down and make something out of it like a baseball bat to smack a Hippie or Liberal with. Guess what, it will grow back. That’s why it’s called a 'Renewable Resource'. If the Enviro-Nuts want to bitch let them go off about Non-Renewable Resources like Coal that really damages the land when they Strip Mine. You don’t find Tree Huggers out there chaining themselves to rock faces chanting save the coal now, do you? You know why? It's because it’s harder to anthropomorphize anthracite coal. You can identify with a graceful tree, gently swaying in the wind easier than with a mere rock under your feet. Think about it. Oh, there’s also the fact that coal miners wouldn’t
give a shit if they killed a few Hippies in the process of mining. All of these and more factors keep them from looking at the environment logically and protesting the true damaging aspects of our consumption based society.

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