Monday, September 28, 2009

Andrew's Rants.


The Ozone Hole is another of those things that’s been here long before us. You can go to the US Department of Agriculture’s site and find some astonishing facts that will make you wonder why doesn’t anybody take this information and shove it down the Environmental-Wacko-Liberal-Goose-Stepping Gender-Bending-Left-Wing-Nutso-Democratic-Enviro-Nazis throats. From tree ring growth patterns which we have records of back as far as 80,000 years we can see certain weather patterns and growth cycles from all over the Earth We can tell if a climate was hot, cold, dry, or wet. We can see if there were fires and how long growing seasons were. We can tell what kind of bugs lived on or in the trees and what kind of fungi thrived. Both of which have an abundant range of knowledge associated with their respective fields of study.

What I’m getting at is there is clear irrefutable evidence that there was an ozone hole 80,000 years ago and we sure as hell weren’t spraying CFCs into the air back then or using cars with those Ohhhh Sooooo Evil Exhaust Fumes. It’s a Crock. We got rid of CFC use almost completely over 20 years ago and it didn’t make a bit of difference. In fact if you want to know the truth every electric motor on earth produces ozone as a byproduct of its operation. That’s right every refrigerator out there is helping the Ozone by running that compressor 24 hours a day. RF11 is a less effective gas than Freon and yet we don’t use it because some Enviro-Nazzi said we were destroying the Ozone Layer so now we’ve got to use something more expensive and less effective so people can feel good about themselves. Just another prime example of how it’s more important to feel good about your convictions than be actually right about them. It’s the intent that counts not the truth. So yes, there is a Seasonal Ozone Hole. It’s always been there and always will be. It’s affected by the Toridoral Rotation of the Earth and the Van Allen Electromagnetic Field around the Earth. It’s also affected by Sunspot Activity and Background Solar Winds. Not Cow farts and hair spray. I think we should take all the Environut Hippies to the South Pole and make a little Commune right under where the Hole appears and force them to live there so they can feel justified in their panic.

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