Several weeks ago my lovely wife brought to my attention that what I do on this site is not Rant and Rave it’s more like a Madman let loose on an unsuspecting Innocent Society and was the 100 percent raving of a Mad Lunatic. I got to thinking about it and realized she was WRONG and that what I have to say is so important that many of you might feel a sense of loss of direction if I was to stop (Allow me my fantasies OK). So for the next few weeks I decided to touch upon some Politically Correct Topics that the Liberal Left likes to push upon us. The Environmental Wacko Groups will tell us all sorts of salacious lies to further their own causes regardless of the facts. It's more important to have good intentions than actually be right and if you happen to contradict them with facts or hard scientific proof why then you’re a Hate Monger and want all the Children to die and want to Poison the Atmosphere and see the Environment destroyed. It’s a Blind Fanatical sort of Knee Jerk Reactionary Force they rely upon to further their agenda. It’s ingrained into the Children in the Schools where the Teachers are predominately Liberal. The Children don’t know enough to question the outrageous claims they are being fed without a shred of evidence. After a while they become Little Brainwashed PC Zombies spouting the party line out of rote memory their Little Skulls full of Mush Twisted by the lies of the Leftist Enviro-Nazzies.
It’s become socially acceptable to just believe in this tripe and feel good about your support rather than question the nonsense that can be spouted by supposedly intelligent learned people. In the next few weeks I will address the following hot topics. Sort of like Myth Busters for the Leftist Commie Liberal Propaganda Machine.
Tell me if you have ever heard of any of these:
1. The Earth is Warming up due to our Pollution.
2. There’s a Hole in the Ozone Layer and it’s caused by CFCs and we are all going to die.
3. El Nino is caused by Automobile Pollution and Cow Farts
4. We are running out of Land and Overcrowding is a Problem
5. We are destroying all the Rain Forest at Millions of Acres a Day
6. Over 1500 Children die each Day from Starvation in 3rd World Countries
Lets take a look at a few of these outrageous claims. Over the Next few 'Rants' I will address them with hard science and facts, putting to rest the Populist Feel Good Crap the Al Gore’s of our country would have us believe. Trust me there is No 'Star Wars Force', No Santa, Easter Bunny or Gaea Mother Earth about to wreak death and destruction on us for taking a piss in the woods. My favorite is the Earth warming up and we are all going to bake to death in a hundred years. Well of course the Earth is getting warmer. Remember that Ice Age thing. In fact remember the past 3 Ice Ages. There is a Cycle to the Earth’s Climate. It gets hot then cold. It doesn’t stay the same; we do not live in a Static Environment. It changes daily. People freak out because the Oceans have warmed 3 degrees over the past 100 years. Well guess what 'Snapper Head', it’s going to get warmer with or without you no matter what you do or don’t do. We are still coming out of the last Ice Age and will continue to do so for the next twenty three thousand years before the Next Cycle starts to reverse itself and slide back towards the cooler temperatures. It will actually get colder a lot faster than it got warmer. It will only take about three thousand years for Ice to once again cover the Earth down to Ohio if the last few times have been any indication. It will then stay 'ass cold' for the next 80,000 years and slowly warm up again. It’s a Cycle and there’s nothing we can do about it. So deal with it and Stop Bitching. The first Ice Age lasted almost 200,000 years and had almost 10 million before the next one. The intervals are getting shorter and the Ice Period quicker. It's all based on the Sun and the Solar Radiation we receive and how it affects the Global Temperature not Car Emissions. People who worry about Global Warming are the same ones who worry that the Sun will go Nova and eventually shrink to a small White Dwarf in about 15 billion years. Geez, give me a break. Do they plan on being here that long? The fact of the matter is that we have just recently come out of a Mini Ice Age in the last 50 years. These are Short Periods of Brief and Very Cold Climate Spurts that last 3 to 4 Hundred Years. This was recently documented and The Discovery Channel did a Wonderful Episode showing its effects on our recorded history in a series called the MINI ICE AGE. It lasted from the 1600 to the late 1870s. That’s why things like Washington crossing the Delaware depicted on our currency with Ice Flows is not a Fictional Situation it really was that cold but nowadays that never happens. Remember when we were kids and it snowed a foot or more every winter several times a year. Remember when our Grandparents talked about the snow so deep it came up to the horse’s ass. My kid has never seen more than 2 inches on the ground. People, we are coming out of an Ice Age - deal with it and adapt. It's nothing we caused - it's Natural. God made it happen and there is nothing you or Anyone Else can do about it.
Next time we address the Myth that Man caused the Ozone Hole with Hair Spray and CFCs.
Monday, September 28, 2009
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