Monday, September 28, 2009

Andrews Rants


Well it’s been a while since my last post and there is a reason why. I was challenged by a reader to objectively look at global warming and seriously study both sides of the argument. I started looking into it and the more I studied the more controversy there was. After nearly a year and a half I have accumulated nearly 300 gigabytes of data including reports for and against global warming. The myriad theories of every possible nature and from well respected scientist to idiot Hollywood actors and stupid politicians. Just because you play a doctor on TV doesn’t mean you are one.

Anyway I was going to write a long dissertation on my findings but as I wrote it citing sources and studies it became bigger and bigger. As it passed 30 pages I realized this was going to be bigger than my dissertation in Graduate school and this forum was not the place for such a lengthy article. So I will condense my findings down to a single paragraph and anyone who wishes to discuss it with me in a rational manner may call and do so at length. I don’t want knee-jerk reactionary groundless arguments I want to hear some actual facts to support your point of view. OK so here it is.

Yes the earth is warming. It is not caused by man. Its nature. The sun contributes more than anything else to this cause. Global warming and cooling cycles are normal. For example the three ice ages one of which we are still on the tail end of. Man does have an impact on the environment in a localized nature but not enough to affect a global scale. We just don’t make that big of a difference.

So yes were warming, deal with it, there’s nothing we can do. If it’s any consolation in about 17,000 years it will all be under ice again and I am sure people at that time will guilt themselves into believing that their teleporters and Bertol Ray devices are causing the current changes. Just remember people that this fantastic planet we live on is not a static environment. It changes daily whether we are here are not. It’s had massive temperature changes and as few as a single continent on more than one occasion in addition to ice ages and massive volcanic obliterations and total global eradications of all life on 3 documented occasions of which the dinosaurs were not one or even close. We even had polar shifts where the North Pole used to be at the equator on 2 separate instances. Provable by magnetic north in the rock strata.

It’s the weather guys and there’s not a thing you can do about it.

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